A morning session at the playgroup!

9:30 – 10:00 Welcome
Free indoors or outdoors play under the supervision of parents/accompanying adults. This is a good time to exchange books that have been borrowed from our library. Parents in charge of the morning tea can use this time to prepare some fruits for the little ones and coffee/tea for adults.
11:00 – 10:30 Let’s get busy with activities!
We start by singing nursery rhythms all together. Then, each week we introduce a different activity to the children : craft, art, experiments … We also like to celebrate events such as Mother’s and Father’s day, Easter as these moments represent a great opportunity for everyone who comes from a different French-speaking country to share his/her traditions.
10:30 Morning tea is ready
Each family brings a fruit to share and we sit all together at the table to enjoy a delicious morning tea. We are also delighted to celebrate birthdays with a cake!
10:45 – 11:15 Let’s play a little more
Children play games indoors or in the garden. This is an opportunity for adults to talk to each other and exchange parenting tips, while keeping an eye on their children.
11:15 – 1:25 Pack away time!
All together, it is so much easier to tidy up the room. Let’s be quick! Story time is already coming up!
11:25 Story time
Children and parents gather to listen to stories read in French: a true moment of joy before a last song to say «goodbye» … until next time!